Description: Sad, depressed and unemployed, you give life one last try as you start your first day in a new position at a reprocessing company to ship lost items back to their senders. May you find your lost spark by helping others find their packages...

Note: Web version has been modified to not play the intro cutscene because of a Unity VideoPlayer limitation.

Controls: W, A, S, D to trigger buttons. Spacebar to retry a failed level or continue to the next. R to restart a level instantly.

Game Jam Theme: Lost & Found

Team Number: 4A-1

Team Name: GLab1!


Voices of the Jam: We recorded other participant voices for the opening cutscene.

FX Evolution: The music gains additional layers as levels progress.

Programmers: Ryan, Thomas, ABCWarrior, Kalen

Puzzle Designers: ABCWarrior, Thomas

Artists: Phoebe, Fei, Suna

Sound Designer: Kalen


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